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universidade lusófona

Instituto Lusófono de Treino Desportivo – FEFD

International Yoga Symposium, Science, Training and Quality Of Life

Simpósio Internacional de Yoga, Ciência, Treino e Qualidade de Vida

28 October 2023, Saturday
from 10 am to 7 pm

"The strong experimental dimension transforms Yoga into a science, but not in the sense of objective knowledge; Yoga is, if you accept the expression, the “science” of subjectivity.”

António Renato Henriques

The International Yoga Symposium is the consequence of several conversations with the Coordinator of the Lusófono Institute of Sports Training (ILUTD), Prof. Paulo Barata, who encouraged me to create this event with his precious support.

Yoga is a philosophy of life, a practical philosophy based on humanistic ethical precepts that promotes Self-knowledge and as such leads to the improvement of all human capabilities.

In this sense, we can say that Yoga has some parallels with high-performance sports training that aims to enhance the athlete's performance, just as the yogin aspires to be increasingly better in his practice, in order to become an example consistent with the precepts of this philosophy and a better Human Being that positively impacts society, just as sport has this intention in its genesis.

At the origin of this Symposium was the desire to raise the bar regarding the study and understanding of Yoga, without folklores and fashions, but respecting the ancestral tradition and adding the objective angle of scientific vision in order to promote a healthy exchange of ideas, perspectives, knowledge and experiences that allow us to increasingly clarify the understanding of this fantastic practical philosophy of life, both through scientific means, sports training, as well as Yoga and related activities.

In this way, we hope to contribute to broadening the spectrum of knowledge of the scientific, sporting community and society in general regarding Yoga itself and also the application of Yoga in sports training.

O Simpósio Internacional de Yoga é a consequência de várias conversas com o Coordenador do Instituto Lusófono de Treino Desportivo (ILUTD), Prof. Paulo Barata, o qual me estimulou a criar este evento com o seu precioso apoio.

O Yoga é uma filosofia de vida, uma filosofia prática baseada em preceitos éticos humanistas que promove o Autoconhecimento e como tal leva à melhoria de todas as capacidades humanas.

Nesse sentido podemos dizer que o Yoga tem algum paralelismo com o treino desportivo de alto rendimento que visa potencializar a performance do atleta, assim como o yogin aspira ser cada vez melhor na sua prática, de forma a tornar-se um exemplo coerente com os preceitos dessa filosofia e um melhor Ser Humano que marque positivamente a sociedade, tal como o desporto tem na sua gênese essa intenção.

Na origem deste Simpósio esteve a vontade de elevar a fasquia relativamente ao estudo e compreensão do Yoga, sem folclores e modas, mas respeitando a tradição ancestral e acrescentando o ângulo objectivo da visão científica para desse modo se promover uma saudável troca de ideias, perspectivas, conhecimentos e experiências que permitam elucidar cada vez mais o entendimento desta fantástica filosofia prática de vida, tanto pelo meio científico, como do treino desportivo, assim como do Yoga e actividades afins.

Contamos deste modo contribuir para alargar o espectro de conhecimento da comunidade científica, desportiva e da sociedade no geral relativamente ao Yoga em si e também da aplicação do Yoga no treino desportivo.

António Pereira
Doutorando em Educação Física e Desporto, na Universidade Lusófona (ULHT)
Mestre em Treino Desportivo, Dissertação em Alto Rendimento Desportivo
Coordenador do Curso Livre em Introdução ao Yoga, da FEFD, Universidade Lusófona
Professor de Yoga, desde 1981


9h30 - Welcome  Session (30m)

10h00 - Opening  Session (15m)

António Pereira, Paulo Barata and Prof. Dr. Jorge Proença (Head of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport) and Embaixador da Índia (a confirmar)

Communications (30m + 10m for questions)

10h30 / 11h10 - Modified States of Consciousness in Yoga and Sport (Estados Modificados de Consciência no Yoga e no Desporto) – Alexandre Ramos

11h10 / 11h50 - The importance of strength in Training and Yoga (A importância da força no Treino e no Yoga) - Luis Monteiro

11h50 / 12h30 - Breathing in Training and in Yoga (A Respiração no Treino e no Yoga) - Raquel Madeira

12h30 / 13h10 - Yoga in Football (O Yoga no Futebol) – António Pereira

13h15 / 15h00 - Lunch

15h00 / 15h40 - Yoga without borders (Yoga sem fronteiras) - Dimitrios Vassiliadis

15h40 / 16h20 - Pátañjali's Yoga-Sútra, the Ethical Principles and Values of Yoga (O Yoga-Sútra de Pátañjali, os Princípios e Valores éticos do Yoga) - José Carlos Calazans

16:20 / 17:00 - The Idea of India, contributions to world science and its influence on its neighbors (A ideia da Índia, contribuições para a ciência mundial e a sua influência nos países vizinhos) - Subhash Kak

17h15 - Yoga Workshop - António Pereira (1h30)

  1. Yoga class, with eight techniques or some of them, such as (Aula de Yoga, com oito técnicas ou algumas delas, como): mudrá, pújá, mantra, pránáyáma, kriyá, ásana, yoganidrá, samyama.
  2. Clarification of doubts about the practice and techniques of Yoga.

18:45 – Finish of the workshop

19:00 - Closing of the International Yoga Symposium - António Pereira, Paulo Barata e Prof. Dr. Jorge Proença (Head of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport)



Subhash Kak

Member of Indian Prime Minister’s Science, Technology, and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC), 2018 - onwards

Emeritus Professor, Oklahoma State University, 2019 – onwards

Professor and Regents Professor, Oklahoma State University, 2007 – 2019

Professor/ Distinguished Professor, Louisiana State University, 1979 - 2007

He is the author of twenty-eight books which include The Architecture of Knowledge, The Gods Within, and an autobiography, The Circle of Memory, and the co-author of the best-selling In Search of the Cradle of Civilization. He has written extensively on the social impacts of AI and he was member of a committee set up by SRI International to determine if computers in the future will become conscious.

His latest book The Idea of India (2023) is a condensation of new research that provides an authentic picture of what India meant to its own people and those living in West Asia, Europe, and East Asia. The evidence provided in the book also touches upon India’s contributions to world science and its influence on its neighbors. It also has translations of nine popular Rigvedic hymns as well as an essay on Yoga.

Raquel Madeira

PhD in Human Motricity.

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Lusófona UniversityDirector of the Degree in Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Lusófona UniversityIntegrated Researcher (Research Centre in Sport, Physical Education, Exercise and Health (CIDEFES), FEFD, ULHTPG in Medicine and Rehabilitation in Football, Faculty of Medicine of the University of PortoLeader of the UC of Exercise Physiology in the Degree in Physical Education and Sport, of the UC of Exercise Physiology in the Master in Exercise and Health, of the UC of Exercise, Recovery and Functional Adaptation in the Master in Sports Training, FEFD, Lusófona University.

Supervisor of several Master's and Doctoral Dissertations, as well as Jury Member of several Master's and Doctoral Theses.

Pedagogical coordinator and teacher of the PG in Physiology of Human Performance and PG in Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal ConditionsYoga practitioner.

Luis Monteiro

PhD in High Performance in the area of Explosive Strength, Power and Explosive Strength Endurance in Top-Elite and Elite Athletes in Judo.

He is the author of several articles published in journals with impact factor, related to the different forms of strength manifestation and in the scope of motor skills.

He is the author of several book chapters.

He has held several national and international conferences.

He has received several international awards (European and world) for research work in the field of Judo.

He teaches the UC of Specialisation of Judo in Training at FED-ULHT.

Teaches the UC of Theory and Methodology of Training at FED-ULHT, in the Degree and Master.

Regent of the UC of Didactics of Combat Sports (Judo) in the Master of Physical Education Teaching at FED-ULHT.

Regent of the Motor and Technical-Tactical Capacity UC of the Master in High Performance Sports of FED-ULHT.

Teaches the Technical-Tactical Planning UC of the Master in Football.

He supervises several students in final course work and Master's and Doctoral Theses at FED-ULHT and FMH-UL.

Member of the Jury of several Doctoral Theses.

He is a specialist in the area of Development and Periodisation of Strength Training and Motor Skills in general, within the scope of High Sports Performance and Tactical Athlete Training.

Coordinates a Physical Activity Project in the Regiment of Sappers Firefighters of CM Lisboa.

He collaborated in the area of Training Evaluation and Control, Counselling and Prescription of Training in some SL Benfica modalities.

He was Technical Director for several years of the Portuguese Judo Federation.

He was President of ANTJ for several years.

He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Lusophone Institute for the Training of Coaches.

He is currently Coordinator of the Evaluation and Control of the Training of the National Teams of the Portuguese Judo Federation.

Reviewer of several International Journals (with impact factor).

Member: National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA nº45000; Colorado Springs, USA; since 2007); European College of Sport Science (ECSS-ID: EST-1933; nº 18467, Cologne, Germany; 2013); National Association of Judo Coaches (Queluz, Portugal; since 1994); Portuguese Judo Federation (Lisbon, Portugal, since 1976).

Iberian Association of Judo Researchers (Valencia, Spain, since 2008).

JCR Calazans Duarte

Historian and Orientalist.

Member and Resident Researcher of the Centre for Philosophy of Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and of the research group of Philosophy of Quantum Physics: Non-Linearity and Eurythmy.

Counsellor of the National Ethics Commission for Health - Regional Health Administration of Lisbon and Tagus Valley (ARSLVT - Ministry of Health).

Professor of Philosophy.

History and Political Science and International Relations.

Lecturer in European and Lusophone Studies, Political Science and International Relations at the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies in Lisbon (2013-2022); Science of Religions (2006-2013); Professor at the Portuguese Air Force Academy (2010-2012); Researcher at the Centre d'Etudes d'Indie et de l'Asie du Sud (CNRS-EHESS 2004-2005); CNRS Research Unit and Robert Schuman University (2011-2012).

Founding member of the Portuguese Association for the Study of Religions; Director of the Indian Studies section of the Portuguese Journal of the Science of Religions - ULHT (2012-2014).

Member of the Lisbon Geographical Society.

Founder and Vice-President of the António Quadros Foundation.

Evaluator of scientific articles in the Journal of Gandhāran Studies (University of Peshawar/Pakistan - Institute of Archaeology & Soci Anthropology).

Supervisor of doctoral and master's theses in Oriental Studies and Political Sciences and International Relations.

Translator of the Sanskrit text into Portuguese of the Bhagavad-Gíta, Dhammpada and Pátañjali's Yoga-Sútra.

Alexandre Ramos

PhD in Psychology, University of Algarve Post-doctoral diploma in Human Motricity, University of Lisbon Post-graduate diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology, Webstudy - Centro de Formação, Lda. PhD in Educational Sciences, Technical University of Lisbon Postgraduate Diploma in Experimental Clinical Hypnosis I, University of Lisbon Degree in Psychology, Autonomous University of Lisbon Master's Degree in Exercise and Health, Technical University of Lisbon Degree in Physical Education and Sport, Technical University of Lisbon Professor of Mindfulness (Advanced Specialisation in Sports Psychology), CRIAP Institute Professor of Physical Education in public education Post-doctoral researcher, University of Lisbon, Faculty of Human Motricity Professor of Human Exceptional Experiences (Post-graduation in Psychology of Consciousness), Autonomous University of Lisbon Former Yoga Instructor (Swásthya Yôga).

António Pereira

PhD student in Physical Education and Sport, at Lusófona University (ULHT)

Master in Sports Training, Dissertation in High Performance Sports, with the title "Psychological and Physical Recovery in Swimmers Through Yoga", by the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Lusófona University (ULHT) – 2016

Director / Coordinator of the Free Course in Introduction to Yoga, of FEFD, Lusófona University

Yoga Teacher, since 1981

Founder and President of FEDYP - Yoga Federation of Portugal, 2020 onwards

Author of the book "Momentos Marcantes", poetry and reflections on life and the CDs "Yôganidrá - Techniques of Relaxation of SwáSthya Yôga" and "Music to Relax".

He was the main developer in Portugal and Europe of the pioneering international institution for the Training of Yoga Instructors and Teachers, having introduced in 1997, for the first time in Portugal, a university extension course, for the Training of Yoga Instructors and Teachers, at the Lusófona University, a course that was held annually until 2014.

He founded, chaired and directed several Federations, Associations and Yoga Schools in Portugal, Europe and Brazil. He has trained and supported several Yoga teachers and instructors in the development of their work both in his school and in other centres, events, etc. and some of them have become respected in the Yoga milieu, in Portugal and other countries.

Dimitrios Vassiliadis

Professor Dimitrios Vassiliadis initiated the teaching of the Hindi and the Sanskrit languages at the Foreign Language Teaching Center, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2005 where he continues to teach until now.

President of the Hellenic-Indian Society for Culture and Development (ELINEPA) which was founded in 2003, the Director of the Athens Center for Indian & Indo-Hellenic Studies, which was founded in 2016, and the President of the Greek Indian Business Association (GIBA) which was founded in 2019.

He is also a founding member of the Indo-Hellenic Friendship League, member of the Indian Society for Greek &  Roman Studies, and Advisory Board member of the Indo-Hellenic Research Center in New Delhi, and nominated partner of the Portuguese Academy of Cultural and Artistic Heritage (Academia Lusófona do Património Cultural e Artístico).

In 2022, he was selected by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations for the “Bharat Mitra Samman – Distinguished Alumni Award”.

Previously, he was a Senior Fellow of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and Post Doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Hindi at the Banaras Hindu University.

He was also awarded ICCR fellowships for the completion of his M.A. and Ph.D. in Indian Philosophy at the Banaras Hindu University.

He has participated in international seminars, delivered lectures in Indian and Greek Universities, authored several books on Indian studies, including the first-ever Greek-Hindi and Hindi-Greek Dictionary and the first book on Sanskrit in the Greek Language.

He has contributed research papers and articles in Greece, India, Spain, Japan, South Korea, Canada, and Bangladesh.

He is the editor of the online magazines “INDIKA” and “Greek-Indian Economic Forum“.

He served as a Chairperson in the sections “Indian Philosophy” and “Philosophical Traditions in Asia & the Pacific” at the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy-Athens 2013.

He was a co-organizer of the 17th International Hindi Conference, which was held in Athens in 2019, and in which he was awarded the “Friend of Hindi, 2019” prize for his contribution to the spread of Hindi in Greece.

With the capacity of the President of ELINEPA, he organized international conferences and numerous programs on Indian philosophy, art, and culture in collaboration with the Embassy of India in Athens, universities, municipalities, cultural centers and other institutions all over Greece, as well as educational tours in India.

He has also promoted the production of Indian films in Greece, Greek documentaries in India, and other research projects on Indo-Greek themes in both countries.

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Participation in the event: 75,00€

Symposium Coordination

  • António Pereira
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  • Paulo Barata
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  • Inês Sousa
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